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4 Notable Tips to Help You Age Well

senior couple smiling

Aging is inevitable – it happens to everyone without exception. However, what you can control is how you age. Do you want to age gracefully? Do you still want to be healthy, active, and have a good appearance as you grow older?

ACN Referral Agency, a premier provider of non-medical care in Contra Costa, offers the following tips to help you age well:

Tip #1. Stay Hydrated

One of the easiest things that you can do to age well is by staying hydrated. Drinking plenty of water can help prevent wrinkles and dry skin. It can also help keep your skin clear and keep your hair supple and soft. Additionally, drinking plenty of water keeps your organs and digestive system functioning efficiently. Drinking water, and even herbal teas can also help flush out age-causing toxins from your body.

Tip #2. Watch What and How Much You Eat

A healthy diet plays an important role in how your body ages. Aside from being unhealthy, did you know that carbohydrate-heavy, fatty, and sugary foods can also speed up the aging process? To age well, make sure to maintain a balanced, nutritious diet consisting of whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Also, watch how much you eat! Overeating and obesity can result in different health conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which may lead to a shorter lifespan.

Tip #3. Stay Positive

Instead of thinking, “I’m getting old so I can no longer do this and that,” think, “I may be getting old, but I can still do that!” Maintain a positive attitude and don’t use aging as an excuse to become sedentary. For example, while aging may limit your physical capabilities, there are still exercises and activities that you can engage in to remain healthy.

Tip #4. Stay Social and Engaged in Activities

There’s more to your health than just the physical aspects – you need to take care of yourself mentally and emotionally too. In order to keep your mind healthy as you age, engage in activities that can stimulate your cognitive processes (i.e. crossword puzzles, board games, etc.). Also, don’t forget to stay in touch with your relatives and friends! Stay social and don’t isolate yourself. Isolation may lead to depression and shorten one’s lifespan.

These are just some tips from your friendly Senior Care in Bay Area Counties. Make sure to keep them in mind so that you can achieve your goal of aging well!

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