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5 Available Options to Remind Yourself to Take Your Medications


Taking your medication is a crucial task you have to fulfill. Medications contribute significantly to your overall health. But, when remembering this task becomes difficult, you may have to find other ways to help you out, even engaging non-medical care in Contra Costa.

The following options can be used in your situation:

  1. Medication calendar

    A medication calendar is probably a traditional, paper-based way of reminding yourself to take your medications. With this calendar, you will have to list down all of your medications and their corresponding intake schedules. You can cross them out one by one once you have taken them.

  2. Pillbox

    You can also use a pillbox that separates your medicines in different compartments. This item is beneficial to those who are taking multiple medications at one time. The pillbox can be an average type. This is the regular rectangular-shaped pillbox made of clear plastic.

    You can also opt to use a digital pillbox which is a modern version of the regular type. This usually has a digital alarm included as a feature. You can ask the store representative, the seller or a provider of senior care in Bay Area counties to help you set the digital alarm according to your medication intake schedules.

  3. Mobile alarm apps

    With the popularity and wide usage of today’s technology, there is no denying that such technology has also benefited the healthcare industry in myriads of ways. In terms of medication reminders, mobile alarm apps have already flourished. These are alarm reminders that can be downloaded to your phone.

    Plenty of mobile alarm apps are available. Choose one that gives you an easier time to navigate.

  4. A family member

    If you have troubles remembering your medications, why not have an able family member do it for you? The loved one you choose will be the one to manage your medications, list down your medicines, check if they are already running out and ensure that you are taking them correctly and on time. If they are not around, such family member can just call you or text you about taking your medicine at that time.

  5. A caregiver

    A provider of non-medical care in Concord California may be the best option. A care provider is trained to assist you in remembering this crucial daily task. You or your loved one will have to brief the carer first about the medications you are taking and what times they should be taken.

ACN Referral Agency provides personal care services including medication reminders, along with non-medical care to our clients. Give us a call to know how we can help you or a loved one today!

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